Thursday, 26 April 2012

Bush Radio for freedom day

Ok beautiful people, tune in to tomorrow from 9-12 i wish be live doing my poem and possible other thins, so dont miss it.

Friday, 20 April 2012

The Joy of being in the place you passionate about

Most of the people struggle to wake up, because they are doing something they hate, they are doing it because its eaither easier or its paying a lot of money. The truth is they hated every moment if their job.After hearing from the radio people, and the Radio786 manager. what a comfortable place to work in. she metioned that everyday she goes to work, she is excited, because she's driven by passion and love for the job.. please check the

My dream summer body that never came through

Nothing frustrates me more than New Year’s. Don’t get me wrong I love new beginnings, but nothing frustrate me more than going back to the ...