Sunday, 1 June 2014

Everyday recovery

This post was inspired by one of my favourite celebrities Jada Pinket Smith. It kind of reminded me that we are all recovering from something. Her post made me realize that I am also recovering from something.
Whether you recovering from abuse, trauma, depression, alcohol abuse, failure of relationship, or disappointments. The good thing is you’ve managed to take the first step by admitting to yourself that you are suffering and you taking another step forward to recover.

This is to my dear friend that I still love very much

Dear friend,
I know it’s only been few years since the pregnancy before marriage took place and the everyday struggle that you faced when people including your own friends were giving you nasty  looks  , and losing the father of your child in the short space of time.
I know you spend so many years recovering from the loss of your parents. I know it was never easy. To be honest I’ve learn so much during this process of your recovery myself.

I was so encouraged when I saw you take the first step by getting A’s and B’s on your final year in high school. And I was more encouraged to see you take even further step after a row of disappointments by getting out of the house after months of struggle to get out of the house to face the public.

The biggest lesson of them all is when you failed, ran and managed to come back. And you took two steps back. I want to tell you that we are all recovering from something. We may not show it in pubic but we are all recovering.

There is no one person on this planet that is not recovering from something even if it’s something small. Jada says the process of recovery is about regaining oneself from whatever it is that may have stolen us.

Friend your strength cannot be measured, you are strong behind doubts. I am grateful that I am here to see it all. Thank you so much for reminding me that I am also in constant recovery, even if at times I do not know or I cannot see the progress.

Thank you!

Hi my name is Ncumisa and I’m recovering from obesity.







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