Daddies Lap
For so long you’ve been running,
Searching for the unknown, living me behind, locking me
At the back of your pick-up truck, rejecting my love, my comfort.
You’ve been naming me names, denying my existence,
I’ve been watching, hoping you’ll change your mind, hoping you’ll come back to your senses
Day after day
I waited patiently, thinking you’ll remember me, thinking you’ll
Remember the days you were once alone, the days i used to whisper,
Share my secrets and listen to your heart.
I see you day and night
Wearing a mask, hiding behind the glasses, embracing the attention,
Hiding from me, creating a new identity in return of my acceptance,
Because you want to be known, make name for yourself, and be accepted,
Buying me with recognition, blaming the past and other people
For your today’s choices
Going up and down wanting to be fulfilled
Today i am saying, I am here, i’ve been here,
And i will be here when you choose life
Because i am your God and you are my child,
I’ve chose you among others, anointed you with oil, and choose you
To be the voice to the singers, love to the rejected, comfort to the abandoned
Life to the dead and silence to the depressed.
Psalms 139 ( about what God thinks of you)