Monday 19 March 2012

Book review

The hunger games by Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games is best selling books of 2011, the best book written by Suzanne

Collins.Review of The Hunger games -  Contained in the surrender terms, each district allowed us send one boy and one girl to appear within a annual televised event termed, Katniss can be a 16-year-old girl living with her mother and younger sister inside poorest district of Panem, this remains of what used be the country. “The wanting for food Games.” Your terrain, principles, and level of audience participation may change but another thing is constant: obliterate or be killed. As soon as Kat’s sister is picked by lottery, Kat steps as many as go in her position.
When Prim’s name is called, Katniss exchanges herself without hesitation to compete with the baker’s boy Peeta. Is actually this a believable personality? Do you root for the puppy? Because basically it is a very hard thing to make a “good” person on the page that your reader is going to fall in love with. Because we readers know that we are flawed, i am often inclined to side with the similarly flawed people we meet between a books’s insures. Katniss, on the other hand, is so good in so many ways. She sacrifices herself for her sister. She tries to save people in the sport. But there’s almost some sort of jock mentality to her too. Katniss can figure out the puzzles and problems inside game, but when it comes to emotional complexity she’s from time to time up a tree. Most remarkable to me was the reality that Katniss could walk approximately, oblivious to romance, and not bug me. Seriously, nothing gets under my skin faster than heroines who can’t see that their fellow fellas are jonesing to deal with. You just want to help bonk the ladies upside the head with a brick or something. The different here is maybe the point that since Katniss knows that Peeta has to play a part, she uses that alibi (however unconsciously) to help justify his seeming affection on her behalf. Thems smart writing.

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