Wednesday 7 March 2012

Troubles teens (Real Life Situations)

Being a teenager is supposed to be the most exciting time of every child life; it supposed to be the most memorable time ever, the time that every child can't wait to get into. But unfortunately not every child come out alive, not every child enjoys being a teenager; the question is what went wrong?

we grew up facing lot of challenges, and some of those challenges are our parents, friends (their insecurity), Belonging, Boyfriends and girls friends, sex experiment, puff smoke for the first time, kiss for the same time, want to be noticed, want to show that we can. That is a pressure to most of the teenagers.

Imagine being a new student in High school, all your mind is saying is ;what kind of friends i will have, are they going to like me, what can i do to be part of them if they do not accept me? We ask ourselves all those questions. There biggest lie that everybody keep on saying is that you have ability to choose friends, that is the biggest lie ever, maybe that worked in the 60's but it is not working in our days. When you new in school, friends choose you and you cannot turn them down because you also want to belong, you also want to be noticed and be loved.

What happens when your experimental experience explode, reality takes place and the first school boyfriend or girls friend like your friend, parents seemed distance when you need them mostly, when your friends poison you to your other friends, the next thing you find is yourself, yourself alone. You feel alone, feel like no one cares, you feel like the whole world is against you. That is the worse feeling i wish no one will ever feel, but unfortunately we have to go through that before we grow, we have to feel rejected before we rise above hatred and fears.

When we feel like we all alone in this world that is when other people choose drugs to forget about all the rejection and hatred they are facing.

What can parents do to help
There is nothing that children appreciate more than knowing that, her parents are always there, even if the whole world is against her or him but he or she knows that his or her parents will be always there for him or her. Parents should be their children’s best friends; that5 will give their children a platform to be themselves even if how hard it is to be in school. They must open that space so that children will be able to run to it, give them a sense of belonging without doing something in return. That place to be will be always on their mind that will create a room to run to. When parents are always at work or always busy, they lose the most important stage of their kid’s life. Quote from the author to the reader: "LOVE YOUR CHILDREN AND LET THEM KNOW THAT THEY ARE LOVED BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE LIED TO THEM" 

What can it do to children/teenagers
It can lower their self-esteem into the extreme. when they feel bad about themselves, they will always do what people are telling them to do, the is a possibility that they will be abused and never report it, or let their boyfriends abused them if they are females, and it might start small and end being something that runs into the family, so parents have the duty to make sure that their children grow up in a healthy family so that they can raise healthy families, because if they lost it into the teenage hood it’s possible that it will be forever. So it is very important for them to talk about what they are facing because we have been all there, of cause you will be depressed but you can get through it alive if you let people help you.

All the rejections can lead into depression, and who know where drepression can lead to? but most of the time it lad to suicidal> They feel like they no longer know why they are alive>

DO you know where your child is today? be continued

P.S all the images used in this page are from the internet i didnt took them myself and the points i said are from my heart form the things i've seen so things might not be the same in other areas of ur life.

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