Monday 5 March 2012

Explosion of a Rose flower

The Rose
The Rose
Creative Writing
The Rose (Climbing smooth Heart of Gold,the name of the rose)
Its beauty reminds me of my first present,
i can still smell it,
when i think about this Rose
i feel peace, i feel loved
even though
i’ve faced the storms walked the
roads,felt the pain, cried helpless
i’ve faced the storms walked the
roads,felt the pain, cried helpless
even though i’ve cried out loud and
no one was listening.
my comforter was there to remind
me, where i came from, He loved me unconditionally
he never disappoints me,
even if the world that introduce me,
turned back on me, my reason
for existance turned its back on me,
but my great comfort is not in those
storms, or in the rains that rained on me
and stopped on me.My graet comfort is
in the creation, created by He whom created
me,my comfort  is in you Lord alone.
The Rose
when my heart is broken,
you alone and your creation comfort me.
I sometimes smell the rose and feel your presence
and see how you made me,
the world cannot see all,
but you alone see that i’m like the
rose, i’m special
the rose is me, and i’m the rose
The Rose(GOD)
Ncumisa Siko
NewsRoses are the light of beauty, when the Gardner’s’ talks about roses they talk about some thing special.
But not all the gardeners’ feel the same, most of the gardeners’ are struggling to get water especial in the Eastern Cape. Former president of South Africa Thabo Mbeki had a meeting with the Gardner association of South Africa during Imbizo, they emphasized that they were committed to playing a part in the stimulation of the district’s economy and to ensure a better life their employees and the community at large, however, they felt the problem they were facing were hampering their profitability, making it difficult for them to employ more or to keep all their current employee.
If you thought roses means only love, you were wrong, roses means business too, especial when explode in their beauty.
Ncumisa Siko

Exploding the beauty of flowers.

Roses are the most beautiful plants on the planet, other might not agree with me, but it’s true.
In the past few years I’ve experience the beauty of the planet and its danger, but my highlight was the beauty of flowers, especially Rose, it’s so amazing how I fell in love with these flowers. Rose’s canes or roots stock are planted in May and budded in the November and December year. It’s so nice and cool to know how these flowers operate, do you know what also cool about them, they are like human beings, they have needs like human beings, and here are some of the needs:
• Soil preparation:. Dig the soil over a few times to a depth of 40cm and blend in some compost or cold, well-rotted animal manure. Bags of mixed animal manure can be purchased at your local nursery.
• Planting: Winter is the best time for planting bare rood roses. Unwrap each rose from its packaging, shake it free of sawdust and stand in a bucket of water overnight. Do not let roots dry out.
• Summer planting: regular dead heading of spent flowers helps roses to re flower quicker
• Climbing Roses : for the first two years tie all long canes to a support and only remove unwanted canes ,then in late autumn prune the last 45cm of each cane, this make side growth shoot and from these flower.
Plant roses, spread love and love life.

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